Im going to tackle this on two fronts, I'll do snapshots throughout the day on my twitter and if I have time will do a little more in depth on here. I'm also going to make the decisions on what I listen to as normal as I usually do, but try to explain my decision making on why I chose what I did, when I did.
So this morning, I step out the door and get on my way to work - but we have SUN, glorious sun. I need happy sunny music so I reach for my current fave album Noah and the Whales - Last Night on Earth. It accompanies me through 3/4 of my train ride to work and puts me in an oddly great mood for 8.40 on a Monday morning.
This is my favourite track from the album and a great version
I have 20mins to fill before I arrive at work, most of this time will be spent walking from Waterloo to Blackfriars. I flick through the iPod to find something to continue my good mood and find a track by Is Tropical called South Pacific, its on Kitsune Maison vol.10 and I havent heard it yet. Im going to see them live soon so put it on. Its great and continues my mood.
I then flick to Funeral Party - Golden Age of Knowhere to take me to the (blackfriars) bridge. *arf*
The day passes music-less apart from the refrain from NYC moves to LA, in my head going round and round "NEW YORK CITY LOVES TO MESS AROUND WITH THE LA SOUND, THE LA SOUND" the album opener from the above, an album opener shouldnt be this good, its an absolute stonker. I put it on again as I leave the office full volume and finish the album from where it left off this morning.
My train journey home consists of the following from Kitsune Maison vol.10 - I booked tix to their London party on Easter Sunday so need to swot up some more.
Housse de Racket - Chateau
Liar, My Dear - The Heartbreaks
Fires - Waylayers
Blitz - Digitalism
My head starts to bang so I choose something more soothing to ease me home. Step forward Allo Darlin' folky, quirky loveliness.
Day 1 over. I have less time tomorrow evening so this will be much shorter.
See ya's!
Seriously how shit is blogspot, this looks awful!